Women's Ministry

Our Women’s Ministry exists to nurture growing in the grace and knowledge of Christ our Savior, to delight and abide in His Word, to cherish and share the Gospel and to gather in fellowship and engage in service.

Our prayer is that we would be renewed and transformed through the study of the Scriptures, and and that we develop and strengthen intimate friendships with other women. Our goal is to know God fully, please and honor Him, and to experience His freedom to fulfill His purposes for our lives. We know all of this is only possible by and because of God's grace and provision, through the power of the Holy Spirit. Our Women's Ministry Bible studies, outreaches and special events are for women of all ages and seasons of life. We invite you to participate in the various expressions of this vital ministry.

Connect with us!

Bible Studies

Knowing God more intimately, and heart, mind and life change happen through the study of His Word and when we gather in biblical community and grow together. We do this in groups where we can know, challenge and care for each other, encourage each other to grow spiritually, and invite others to join us. Bible Studies are a beautiful way to meet other women who love God and want to study His Word together.



  • Daily - Chronological Bible In A Year
  • Sunday Morning - Inductive Bible Study Class with Karla Brien (next session: September - December 2025)
  • Monday Evening - Divorce Care for Women with Ana Maria Wall (various schedule)
  • Tuesday Afternoon - with Linda Milbourne
  • Wednesday Morning Moms Together - with Denise Nichols
  • Wednesday Morning - with Sheryl Vasso and Susan Weber
  • Wednesday Evening - with Kyoko Kneller, Julia Bonner and Jen Nolte (via Zoom)
  • Wednesday Evening Young Adult Women (ages 20-35) - with Lynn Ely and Gail Benchener (check back for future dates!)
  • Jueves por la mañana - Estudio bíblico en español  (Thursday Morning - Spanish Bible Study) - with Ana Maria Wall
  • Thursday Evening Gather and Grow - with Lindsey Fleming and Sharon Sloan
  • Friday Evening (once each month) Bible Study for Single Moms - with Ana Maria Wall

If you are new to Bible study, we are THRILLED to have you join us as we learn God's Word together!! If you already have a study at Grace Point you love and to which you are committed, or if you are adding an additional study, we are BLESSED by your faithfulness!! Looking forward to all the good things God has planned as we grow in our relationships with Him by studying His Word!
~Sharon Sloan, Director of Women's Ministry

Chronological Bible In A Year 2025

Women's Ministry is delighted to invite you to join us in reading through the Bible in a year chronologically in 2025 with The Bible Recap! Once you join our group, you will receive more information!!

Download the Bible App on your phone and then CLICK THIS LINK TO JOIN OUR GROUP. If you have any difficulty with the app and connecting to our group, please contact Sharon Sloan at .

Looking forward to growing with you daily in our relationships with the Lord!

Divorce Care for Women

Check back for future dates. 
Leaders: Ana Maria Wall and Kim Connell
Current Study: Divorce Care
This study helps women who are separated or divorced discover hope in and experience healing through Christ, who is our hope and peace. This study is under our Care Ministries.

Bible in a Year Recap Regroup Discussion Group

Stay tuned for dates and times!
Our 2025 Bible in a Year with our The Bible Recap group is invited to attend this Discussion Group for women. We will discuss what we are learning and dig into Scripture to learn more together. Contact:  

Tuesday Afternoon Bible Study

Tuesday Afternoon, 3:00 - 4:30 p.m. 
March 4 - May 20, 2025
Leader: Linda Milbourne
Current Study: Son of God: A Bible Study for Women on the Gospel of Mark (Volume 1) by Keri Folmar
This study will require approximately 5 days of homework for 30 minutes each week.

Purchase Book Here on Amazon

Moms Together

Wednesday Morning, 9:45 - 11:15 a.m. at Grace Point
September 25, 2024 - June 4, 2025
Leader: Denise Nichols
Current Study: Mom Set Free by Jeannie Cunnion
Discover how the Gospel can empower you to parent! Good news from Moms who are trying to be good enough. 
Moms of little ones, you are invited to join us for a time of fellowship and refreshment in God's Word. Childcare is provided! (Please register below!)
While this season of motherhood is incredibly rewarding, it can also be a difficult season. When we walk together in community as God designed, we encourage one another, challenge one another, fellowship with one another, and most importantly point each other to God. We will pray for one another and share our joys and hardships as we walk this journey together. 

Wednesday Morning Bible Study

Wednesday Morning, 10:00 - 11:15 a.m. at Grace Point
January 15, 2025 - May 2025
(This study is also available via Zoom.)
Room 302 - The Conference Room
Leaders: Dr. Sheryl Vasso and Susan Weber
This Bible study is sponsored by Words of Worth, Inc.
Child care available! (Please register.)
Register by emailing Dr. Sheryl Vasso: 
Current Study: The Book of Acts: Christ's Continuing Work

The Book of Acts, also known as the Acts of the Apostles, was written by Luke, and serves as a sequel to the Gospel of Luke. The book begins with Jesus’ final instructions to His disciples, His ascension into heaven and details the spread of Christianity from Jerusalem to the broader Roman Empire. Please join us for this study and discover the sovereignty of God in guiding the early Church, the transformative message of Christ and how the message of salvation and grace transcends cultural and geographical boundaries.

Wednesday Evening Bible Study on Zoom

Wednesday Evening, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Leaders: Julia Eckel, Kyoko Kneller and Jenn Nolte
February 5 - May 7, 2025 (Not meeting on April 16)
Current Study: Seeking Him: Experiencing the Joy of Personal Revival by Nancy DeMoss Woglemuth
Purchase Book Here

Young Adult Women (ages 20s - early 30s) - Wednesday Evening

Women who are single, college/grad students and young professionals are all invited to seek to know Jesus more together with us!
Wednesday Evening, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. at a home in Newtown
7:00 p.m. - Light dinner and fellowship, Bible Study to follow
Leaders: Lynn Ely and Gail Benchener
Contact Lynn here: 

Estudiemos La Biblia

Thursday Morning, 10:00 a.m. in Newtown
Leader: Ana Maria Wall
Contact Ana Maria for location: 
Come study the Bible in Spanish and enjoy Spanish hospitality! 
Join us on Thursdays for time in God's Word, prayer and fellowship.

Estudio bíblico en español para mujeres
Jueves por la mañana, 10:00 a. m. en Newtown
Líder: Ana María Wall

¡Ven a estudiar la Biblia en español y disfruta de la hospitalidad española!
Únase a nosotros los jueves para pasar un tiempo con la Palabra de Dios, la oración y la comunión.
Comuníquese con Ana María para conocer la ubicación:

Thursday Evening Gather and Grow Bible Study

Thursday Evening, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. at Grace Point
Leaders: Lindsey Fleming and Sharon Sloan
Current Study: Gideon

Bible Study for Single Moms

One Friday Evening Every Month
One Friday Each Month at 7:00 p.m. in the Heritage Room
Leader: Ana Maria Wall
Child care is available here at Grace Point!

Women's Outreach and Fellowship

If you enjoy keeping your hands busy while sharing in sweet fellowship, then this group is for you. We share the Gospel by supporting missionaries and local ministries. We create, collect, and donate tangible items to assist them in reaching others for Christ.

We gather monthly on the third Tuesday from September to June from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm in Room 403 - The Clubhouse. (We do not meet in December.) Bring lunch for yourself. Dessert and beverages will be served. COME WHEN YOU CAN, LEAVE WHEN YOU MUST! 

We would love to have you join us! We have women of all ages and all skill levels of crafting. There are a variety of projects we work on together each month. 

If you would like to connect with our Women's Outreach & Fellowship Coordinator, you can reach her at   You may also call the church office at 215.968.2354 and ask for the Women's Ministry.

We look forward to meeting you!

No-pill fleece fabric
Premium polyester fiber fill (for pillows)
Acrylic paints
Complimentary/travel-sized soaps, shampoos, etc. 
Gently used costume jewelry
Small gifts for women
Gently used toys, books, puzzles (for all ages of children)
NEW white socks
Remnants of NEW cotton fabric and flannel
Leftover NEW Christmas curling ribbon
Medium sizes of shaving cream, deodorants, lotion, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste
Knitted or crocheted baby blankets, shoulder wraps, slipper socks, preemie hats and booties

Club W for Widows

Women’s Ministry Club W is for women whose husbands have passed away, whether several years ago or more recently. Our Club W Leadership Team prayerfully plans events throughout the year for fellowship and encouragement. With understanding, compassion and grace, you can grow together in the Lord and in friendship.


GP Quilters

Do you like working with fabric, sewing or quilting? Or would you like to LEARN how to quilt? Join us on selected Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. to make quilts together. Bring your lunch and your sewing machine, if you have one. (We do have extra sewing machines here at church.)

Our quilters meet to make quilts to bring love and comfort to seriously ill or children in need in our area. We donate the quilts we make together to various organizations (such as Quilts for Kids and Esperanza Health Center), who then deliver the quilts to pediatric hospitals and foster care ministries. 

2025 Dates:
The 3rd Saturday of each month
We are sew hoping to see you!

For information, contact Barb Lewis and Leanna Metzler at  .


