
The Goal

We believe that kids are the future. They are the next generation of the world and of the church. Kids are meant to be kids and have fun! Our goal is to create a fun and safe environment where kids can be kids and learn about Jesus.

Just like adults, young people, as they come to faith in Jesus, are given gifts and the unique opportunity to reach their peers. We believe kids can and do have roles in serving the local church and furthering God’s kingdom!

We also believe that it’s your job, as parents, to be the chief example of what it means to follow Jesus. We’re here to partner with and help you become the best Christian parents you can be.

We Love Kids!

The purpose of our children’s ministries is to partner with parents in providing a safe and fun place where children can learn about God's love for them, what it means to follow Him and how to live with godly integrity.

Sunday Mornings!

We can't wait to meet your family! On Sunday mornings, we offer children's programs from Nursery to 5th Grade during our 10:30 a.m. service only. Our trained volunteers love kids and want to help them love Jesus!

  • 9:00 a.m. Service: Childcare for NurseryPreK
  • 10:30 a.m. Service: Groups for all kids, Nursery8th grade

(See the Students page for more information about our Student Ministry programs for middle and high schoolers.)

Keep up with us!

    • Instagram @gracepointkidsministry
    • Sign up for GP Kids email updates here.
    • For further details, email our Director of Children's Ministry, Sophie Allers, at .




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