Become a Member

We're glad you're here and that you're interested in learning more about us! Discover Grace Point is a class to help you discover more about our church, including what we believe, what we value, how we're structured, and how you can get connected and involved.It's an informative and fun introduction to who we are. Class Outline Our Beliefs - Salvation, Baptism, Lord's Supper, Statement of Faith Our Mission - Our Mission Strategy to becoming more following Jesus Our Commitments - Relational Commitments and our Membership Covenant Our Methods - Structure, Catalysts for Spiritual Growth, Membership If you've been attending Grace Point for a while or are interested in becoming a member, Discover Grace Point is your next step.

Our Upcoming Dates for Discover Grace Point are:

  • September 29, 2024
  • November 24, 2024

Register Here for Discover GP

We love to celebrate life change at Grace Point! Baptism is one way that we hear stories of how God is changing and transforming lives. Jesus tells us that once a person has become a follower of Him, they are to be baptized. Please contact us if you are interested in baptism:

Sign Up for Baptism

We believe that God wants every Christian to become a member of a local church. To learn why, please read the third chapter of Donald Whitney’s book, Spiritual Disciplines Within the Church: Participating Fully in the Body of Christ. Becoming a member of a church can be a life-changing decision. The preaching, teaching, fellowship, opportunities to use your gifts, and mutual accountability that you experience in a church can dramatically change your relationship with the Lord and with the people he places in your life. Therefore, we want you to take time to get to know our church, learn how we are fulfilling God’s command to build His kingdom, and see how we love and relate to one another in daily life. If you like what you see in our church, we invite you pursue membership. Attending our Discover Grace Point class will not obligate you to become a member.

If you are interested, we would be delighted to have you become a member of our body. By joining our church, you will demonstrate in a concrete way your desire to unite with us to advance Christ’s kingdom. Membership also will allow you to enjoy ministry opportunities and privileges that are not available to people who only attend our church, including the following:

  • You may participate and vote in congregational meetings, where we seek to discern and plan how to follow God’s vision for our church.
  • You can seek more opportunities to use your spiritual gifts, including those of teaching, serving, and leading within the body.
  • If you need counseling or support from our leaders when their time is limited, your request for assistance will generally take precedence over requests from people who have not joined the church.

Register Here for Discover GP