our approach

As men, every day we face challenges, trials and joys that are unique to the masculine journey. Sometimes it’s only another man that can relate and understand the pressures of providing for our families while struggling at being a godly man, husband or dad. 

  • We believe that men need other men in their lives to sharpen and guide them in the ways of God and not the world. 
  • We exist to create places or environments for men to rub shoulders with other men and learn from each other to honor God in all facets and stages of life. 
  • In these places men are free to more naturally express their faith and stories that can challenge the hearts of other men.

"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." 

(Proverbs 27:17)

Looking to build friendships with other men? Ready to join a group? Check our listing of GP Groups.

upcoming events

Men's Breakfast - Upcoming Dates: 

August 3, 2024

September 7, 2024

October 5, 2024

November 2, 2024

December 7, 2024